Monday, May 27, 2013

A walk in the park!

The very next morning I am on the phone, asking the receptionist questions, does Dr ____ do a T4Free, T3Free Thyroid test?  "Let me let you talk to a nurse".  The nurse I spoke to is very kind and generous  and patient with me, "Yes Mrs Nichols we can do those test". Then I hung up thinking I already have a stack of papers right in front of me with numerous thyroid test and all of the doctors so far have guessed it, normal!  I called back within an hour or so, the receptionist put me back through to that nurse, I started asking questions again about the thyroid, she said, "mam, didn't you say your daughter was 16"? I replied "yes" the nurse, "If you don't mind me asking is her name Hope???"  I was shocked and replied, "yes how did you know?" Nurse "Well it sounds like the "Hope" that is on our prayer list at church"!  Needless to say I made the appointment!

What I have not told you, not only did I write the FB commit to pray for Hope note, I privately contacted friends, ministers to add Hope to their prayer list at church.  Anybody that I knew that would go boldly before the throne of grace for my child's health asking the Father to heal her.

Within a day we showed up for our appointment with a new doctor.  I show up with my file of blood test, etc., and of course I am thinking please don't tell me "normal". One of the very first things he said to Hope, "I believe you Hope when you tell me that you are in pain, if I cannot find out what is wrong with you I will try my best to find someone that knows". (that in itself was great medicine just knowing that her doctor believed her!)  He ask me, have you had a Lyme test? "Yes the doctor, the endocrinologist said it was normal, No Lyme." He looks through the file, he sees the records I have kept of her diet, vitamins, body temperature, and he is like heck yeah she has a thyroid problem!  Whew! Thankfully he found an answer!  He did Thyroid blood test that day to check it again, and started her out on the lowest dosage of the meds after seeing all of the medical history I had with me, and wait to see what the results were to tweak it some.

Needless to say, I come home over joyed, Hope has Hypothyroidism and a hormonal imbalance! (with everything else that she had been tested for that is a walk in the park!)

Hope started the thyroid medicine in March 2012, she had a little set back in April 2012 due to a sinus infection but of course nothing that an anti-biotic would not take care of.  She started having a little more energy, the body aches were going down, not stopped totally just some relief, headaches were only every couple of weeks, other symptoms were considered mild.  Life was looking up! She finally felt good enough to go get her driver's license!

She spent the summer seeing friends, mission projects and mission trip to Atlanta, her health was recovering and I was so thankful and delighted to see my daughter enjoying life again!

Read more of the story...

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