Monday, May 27, 2013

God moves on our behalf even when we don't know it......

God moves on our behalf even when we don't know it......

So the search began, searching for a LLMD.  You might be thinking, well what is the BIG deal, you just get out the yellow page phone app, Google your local doctors and bam there you have it! Wrong!  Here is the key note about Lyme disease and pay close attention.  IF you discover that tick bite right away treatment is in the 28 to 42 day range.  But if you have gone for longer, months, years without a diagnosis the bacteria has grown in your body and you need treatments for months to years for recovery depending on many circumstances.  

This is where the general public gets confused so easily, why?  Because as creatures of habit we turn to Google and we look at the very first few sites that come up for Lyme Disease!  (I am not criticizing those websites) we read the symptoms, we tend to think nothing a one time dose of antibiotic won't cure and we see the images of the bull's eye rash!  

Here is where you, every family member, friend and even your enemies need a 101 lesson in Lyme Disease!  

Most Lyme patients don't remember a tick bite! (remember mosquitoes and spiders carry it too!)
Most Lyme patients don't have a bull eye's rash!
Lyme can be any where in the USA!

The following is one of the best movie's for explaining Lyme Disease, how you get it, how to prevent it and what treatments may be needed and how to locate a LLMD
Under Our Skin

Keep in mind other Lyme patients have told me find a LLMD, my husband's cousin messages me on FB and ask me have I heard of Dr ____ in Birmingham, AL? I get the phone # and I call, the receptionist says, "No mam he is no longer accepting patients."  I ask "What about Lyme patients?"  she replies "No mam".  So instead of hanging the phone up I ask for referrals.  She then refers me to 3 different LLMD's and I start checking them out on the internet. They all look pretty interesting I call the first one ask some questions, call the 2nd one, and then the 3rd one I type in the last name and state that she gave me and there the doctor was on Google!  I look this doctors website over, read the treatment protocol, credentials, and I call the phone # on the website.  I talk to a very polite receptionist, ask questions set, and appointment and get on a waiting list.  I then come back to the computer, and realize that the phone # of this doctor that I just called and the original phone # I had, does not match!!!!  I use the reverse phone lookup and realize that the Birmingham receptionist gave me a phone # to a plastic surgeon, not a Lyme Doctor!!!!!  BUT because the Lyme Doctor and the Plastic Surgeon had the SAME last names I found Hope's Lyme Doctor!!!  

God moves on our behalf even when we don't know it......

Read more of the story....

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