Monday, May 27, 2013

Smooth sailing! Medical test are Normal!

Summer was coming to a close and now she was starting her junior year of high school, AP classes with some electives, football games and fun filled weekends.  I started to notice a change again in her health, she started slowing down again. I took her back to have her thyroid check, all normal.  In Oct 2012 she had strep, of course it kept her down and out of school for about a week, there again nothing that an anti-biotic won't knock out!

Thanksgiving holiday went by and all I could think of is how thankful I was that the doctors had ruled out all of the scary stuff this past year, and that the thyroid might be causing a few minor problems.  Woke up on the morning of December 2, 2012 (her dad's birthday) got ready for church, ate breakfast, the usual.  We got to church, attended Sunday School and Hope suddenly didn't feel good, nausea and upset stomach.  I am thinking oh great now a stomach virus! (just my luck on Ben's b'day there goes the steak dinner tonight).  She goes and lays down on a pew in the sanctuary, I saw that she was okay so I go back to Sunday School. I was gone about 20 minutes, other church members had started coming in for the worship service, Hope was sitting up, and she recognized me, but she did not recognize the people around her!  In about 10 minutes it was all over and a sudden headache occurred.  During the service Hope and I sat outside and just enjoyed the warm Alabama weather although it was December, and after taking Ibuprofen her headache went away. (Hope didn't drive for about a month after this event due to the dizziness.)

The following morning of course as a mom, scared, called and the nurse said if it happens again let us know.  Within about 3 weeks Hope and I were checking out of Wal-Mart at the register, then all of the sudden, Hope couldn't form a sentence!  Nothing would come out!  The words were slurred and scrambled, then in like 5 minutes it was over.

I called the Drs office and made a visit, after researching she was tested for a Mitrel Valve Prolapse, Echo-Cardiogram, EKG all came back normal.   Then after research I asked if she could have a table tilt test done for Dysautonomia. Wanna guess what the test come back as?

You got it  NORMAL!!! 

Happy New Year!  All of the above test were normal!  Not long after the Christmas break and towards the end of January the fatigue was rising, the body aches were getting worse, the migraines were getting unbearable, cold hands, cold feet, everything falling apart.  She pushed through school days, some half days but for the most part full days, she pushed herself and attended two weekend retreats.  Then spring break came, and it was almost Prom time!  Time to get a prom dress.  Fun!  As a mom you know something is wrong with your daughter when she can't hardly go shop for a prom dress and the next 3 days she is wiped out and all she is doing spring break is sleeping! I kept praying God, please don't let her miss her junior prom due to health problems. He didn't she went!

Within days after I started seeing that she was not bouncing back and I thought maybe it is time for a third or fourth opinion, whatever # this would be.  We went to see another Endocrinologist in Birmingham, basically he stated that we needed to possibly see an ENT, OB-Gyn and a Rhuemetologist if she is really feeling all of the pain because with some people it may be all in their head or IF she is then it could be Fibromyalgia. Oh but let me test her Vitamin D level. Which came back a tad low, but now taking more of that.

Once again another doctor has the same outlook of IF she is really feeling all this pain, well Doc do you really think she would put off getting her Drivers License for 6 months?  Do you really think she really enjoys being at home and not going a ton of places due to not feeling good?  She is a teenager that loves life, loves to laugh, loves people, AP classes and trying her best to keep her GPA up with her unknown illness! Well Doc with a list of specialist, ENT, OB-Gyn or Rhuemetologist which end to you want me to start??? (don't worry those were just my thoughts that day I did not rant at the Doc!)

With that appointment behind us, it set a fire under this mom again, I did an update status on FB for people to re-commit to pray for Hope.  Now this is getting really interesting!!!

Read more of the story....

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