Monday, May 27, 2013

Blood Test are Normal, No Lyme!

About two months had past and my sweet 16 year old daughter was sick, unable to go to school, fatigue was at it's all time highest, fever would come and go, the body aches and joint pain had gotten worse, cold hands and feet, nausea, dizziness, two occasions of slurred speech and memory loss.  As a parent I would walk out of the pediatrics doctors office and each time, "Mrs Nichols, all the medical blood test are normal!"

During this time period there were two things that happened in my own personnel life as a mom. I would cry out to God, to heal my child and I would pray over her and claim scripture.  Secondly, Google became my best friend!  Yes we all do it, we go to Mayo Clinic's website we do the symptom checker, again and again, we read about every horrible disease, illness known to man and before we get up out of our chair our body aches thinking we are the one that is sick!!

I kept learning more about the thyroid, although her blood test were normal, and not showing a thyroid problem, I kept researching and I am not a medical doctor but I was convinced my daughter had a thyroid problem.  But of course because her test were normal, and I am just the parent, the doctor basically told me it was all in her head and there was no way that she felt that pain!  Fortunately for the sake of that doctor and his well being that was a visit where my husband was present and he is the meek and mild one......we walked out. (if I was the only parent there that day I am not exactly sure what I would have done to him....just being honest)!

That same evening I posted this note on FB asking people to commit to pray for Hope: Jan 22, 2012

Life is full of challenges.  We all have them.  At the moment we are faced with a challenge for Hope's health.  She has been sick for about two months.  The doctors have ruled out some pretty scary stuff. Praise God! One doctor referred to her, as her "mystery patient".  As a parent hearing those words, is not comforting.  But I know in my heart that God knows exactly what is wrong with her, He is the healer, the Great Physician.  If He chooses He can heal her instantly.  So far that has not been His plan! (she is still sick).  So therefore I come to you, my brothers and sisters in Christ, we are a team, we are an army of believers, we know that God has a plan for Hope, "a plan to prosper her and not to harm her, a plan to give her hope and a future." (Jer. 29:11).  

One day this past week while I was working our local store, a lady came in, small talk started, I mentioned the fact that my daughter was sick and the doctors did not know what was wrong with her.  As I told her about Hope and her love for Christ, model student, blah, blah, blah, like mom's brag on their children kind of talk, this lady said, "sounds like the enemy is trying to destroy her, cause the enemy knows God is using her!"  

That statement has stayed with me, more than any of the things that doctors have said. I ask as a mom, as a believer in Christ, each day please pray healing, deliverance, protection from the enemy, wisdom for the doctors, guidance as parents over Hope.

IF you will agree to do this, either "like" this note, "share" this note on your wall, or "comment".  This is not  a popularity contest, it is not  about look at my child she is sick, it is about believers in Christ coming together in one accord and believing God for healing."For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet was without sin. 16Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need." (Heb. 15-16)  As Hope's mom, I thank each one of you for your commitment to join in prayer for her, God bless you!

Because of Him,

Within just a few minutes of posting the note people started commenting and asking what the symptoms were, I posted those too, although some are personal Hope was to the point of "mom I don't care if my friends read it I just want to get well!" (but remember the doctor said she couldn't really be feeling that much pain)!

That same evening people asked has she been tested for Mono? Yes, test is normal.
Tested for Lyme? Yes, test is normal.
Tested for Lupus? Yes, test is normal.
Tested the Thyroid? Yes, test is normal.

People were so gracious and reached out to our family and as a parent I knew that people cared and were praying for my daughter.  Someone that read that note told us about a specialist, an endocrinologist and they can get us an appointment!  Praise God!

We called and made the appointment and go back several times.  The endo tested Hope for Lyme, Leukemia, Thyroid, Slow Growth due to her stature (short like her momma), Auto-Immune, RA, Jr RA, Mono, Neurotransmitter Imbalance. All test, yep you guessed it Normal!  Except for one test that the neurotransmitter imbalance  What? As a mom of course you know, come home research, 2nd opinion! (turned out to be a normal test as well on 2nd opinion).

I returned to the above endo's office about a week later to obtain the medical records for my daughter, one thing that popped out at me, the Lyme test!  One panel on the Lyme test was positive! WHAT? I immediately called the endo's office back and asked about it, "Mrs Nichols, according to the CDC there has to be 5 panels positive on the test for it to be Lyme and if Dr _______ told you there was NO LYME then there is No Lyme!"  Hung up the phone in relief in March 2012.

Still totally overwhelmed by our medical system and still crying out to God for answers.  Lord please help us, show us what's wrong with her and heal her body.  Some answers started coming!  I had a sweet lady message me through FB and let me know that she too thought it was thyroid and that I needed to take Hope to see Dr ______  locally.  Well honestly in the back of my mind, a local Dr?, and we have already been to see a specialist!, are you kidding me?

There is always hope......

Read more of the story....

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