Monday, May 27, 2013

I got to find a What? LLMD? What is that?

Once again I privately messaged friends and ministers that I knew would come before the throne of grace boldly on Hope's behalf telling them that I thought that is might be a possibility of Wilson's Syndrome of the thyroid or Lyme disease and letting them know that I had arranged several doctors appointments and was waiting on more lab reports..  The Lyme support group had told me that I needed to find a LLMD (Lyme Literate Medical Doctor) and get a "clinical diagnosis" of whether or not Lyme was present in her body.  Do what? You mean to tell me you want me to drive most likely to the north eastern part of the USA to poke a needle in my daughter's arm and draw blood and send to a lab in CA to tell me IF she has Lyme?  Are you crazy? More doctors to poke her,and tell her she ain't feeling the pain!  blah, blah, blah..... wait, what Lyme can HIDE in your body!?!?!?!?!?!?

Lyme moves throughout a person's body and can hide from blood test!  But wait Hope lives in Alabama!  Yes she does!  Folks most of the doctors in this whole blog except for one stated, "We don't have Lyme in Alabama".  Doctors make mistakes, doctors are wrong, doctors mis-diagnosis for YEARS, otherwise why have I met several people in the past couple of weeks that reside in Alabama and have Lyme Disease? Ummmmm......

Lyme is NOT just a tick disease!  You can get Lyme from ticks, mosquitoes, spiders and other flying insects.  Think about it how many mosquitoes have you met that knew where the Mason Dixie line was? How many ticks have you met that knew where ALL state boundary lines were?  You may think come on Sydney, you are just being foolish, think about it!

So HOW do you know if a person has Lyme disease? Read carefully and share this information with your friends. 

Most Lyme patients don't even remember a tick bite!
Most Lyme patients NEVER have a bull eye's rash!
Lyme disease is in ALL 50 states and worldwide!
About 50% of Lyme patients have a FALSE negative blood test!

WAIT! What? You mean to tell me that when the nurse called me about my blood test that the test could be WRONG? Yep!

Lyme disease is known as the "great imitator".  What does that mean?  Folks I personally did not "get it" and understand that phrase until I have walked along side my daughter this past 1.5 years and I have been the mom to her to take care of her.  Okay yeah, so? There are some days her joints hurt so bad I would think, what about Lupus? Fibromyalgia? I even had friends ask has she been tested for Multiple Sclerosis?  

Perhaps the next day her abdominal pain would be so bad that I would think, what about Celiacs Disease? Or so kind of stomach intestine problem? 

Then after trying to "fix" those a migraine may be next, oh but wait we had an MRI, all of the is clear, maybe it is hormonal with the thyroid off? 

Yes of course what about the fatigue, but the endocrinologist said she didn't have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome!

Do you get the picture?  Lyme looks like so many different illnesses! After researching and learning what little bit I have learned about Lyme disease, and the fact that it is NOT just a tick disease, I wonder how many people reading this are mis-diagnosis?  IF any of those symptoms fit you, please have a Lyme test through Igenex lab in California.  

There is one MAJOR difference about all of the illnesses I compared Lyme to above, the other illnesses are bad, awful, but with Lyme if you go mis-diagnosis it can be fatal if left untreated.

P.S. I am NOT affiliated with Igenex lab of California in any way, shape, form or fashion, other than sending a blood test in to save my daughter's life!

The following is a video from Igenex lab in CA, it may start off a little boring to you...but pay clost attention and find out WHY Igenex is the MOST ACCURATE for Lyme testing!


Okay so I need to find a LLMD, where the heck do ya find that?....

Read more of the story...

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